Personal: In a scale of a 1 to 10, how much you deeply love the person?
8:38:00 PM
This question struck a chord in me. Because, I strongly
believe reasons are never enough why you fell in love, and a number is never
the measures of how much you deeply love a person. You fall in love and it happened.
To say how much you love a person, is immeasurable.
I am not talking with people whom I used to talk to, and I
don’t know why, maybe my reasons are shallow and I wish not to speak of it. Maybe
there is something wrong with me or maybe there is something wrong with them.
I am writing this piece, maybe to cope, maybe also to escape
the reality I help shape.
I hope that I’m not slowly ripped off with the things I’ve worked
hard for, how I wish I was not, that would be a double heart break.
I wish not to write anymore, but a good friend has told me,
I need to work on with this gift. I don’t know if it really is a gift. Or do I have. I wish not to talk about the scale
of how much love or the reason I fell, it just happened. And I cannot find my
way back, I’m lost.
Great thoughts.makes me wonder.MMMM